Saturday, July 5, 2008

Some Pictures from Deeper Still

Me and siesta Jamie

me and Amanda (she is tall!)


Tammy said...

Good pictures Kristi. I put a couple on my blog and I put some on the Picasa web albums through google. I think if you go to google and click pictures and type my name they will come up. How are things going? Excited about SanAntonio? I'd love to go!

Patty said...

I love this picture!! You two look so cute.

GrandCanyonMom said...

Kristi B,

It was so great to meet you at Deeper Still. What a weekend! I'm still chewing on so many of the truths about being in the wilderness, our nation and not being the "Dairy Queen".-LOL
I'm so glad I got to meet you.

In Him,
A.K.A Grand Canyon Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey girl!! I am so glad we got to meet up again...I was looking for you from the moment I got into SA!! I'm sure we'll meet up at 4am at the doors the next time there is a conference close by!!! SOOOOO good to see are such a blessing to me. My job starts next monday...I'm so excited :)