Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Pictures From San Antonio

"If only this boy could sing."

I love Miesta Moose


My Commie Friend

Me and one of my Meredith Girls

My Roomie

I Missed my Puppy

Saturday, July 5, 2008

More Pictures

Kim, Dori and me hanging out on Friday Night.

Drove all the way to Atlanta and "randomly" sat beside some other Raleigh girls!

My buddy Cheryl who was such a trooper to wait in line with me!

Some Pictures from Deeper Still

Me and siesta Jamie

me and Amanda (she is tall!)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Deeper Still Atlanta

Greetings from a full and tired siesta! I first have to say, how do Beth, Prisilla, and Kay do it? With the Lords power, I know! They were absolutely amazing or should I say He was absolutely amazing! I was in desparate need for a fresh word and boy did I not only get A word but a whole dictionary! (ha,ha) The week-end could not have been more incredible! To begin, my friend and I were able to navigate Atlanta and not get creamed. Raleigh is not as big as Atlanta and I was a little nervous about driving there, but we survived after only getting lost a couple of times.

Next, we were able to get front row seats both days! I praised my socks off! On Friday, we didn't get to the arena until 3:00 or so in the afternoon and I knew people would already be in line. Well we found a parking space right off and preceded to find the entrance. I stopped at a door where no one had gathered and told my buddy Cheryl I would camp there and see if we could get in. While she checked things out elsewhere, I saw Beth Moore's assistant and asked him if he thought these doors would open and he said yes. And of course, on Saturday we were there by 5:30 a.m. to wait in line and get our same seats, which we did!

Friday night Prisilla brought it girlfriend. She has grown so much as a speaker since Nashville. Cheryl and I both were impacted by her illustration of digging in the trash. Don't we all go back from time to time and dig up old trash and insanely eat it? Cheryl and I both made a commitment to remind each other not to go there.
I also met Beth's daughter Amanda! She is beautiful, just like her mom and sister, and tall! Friday I didn't get a picture with her, but Saturday I was able to get one! I look so short!

The praise and worship was amazing. Boy can that Travis sing! I cried so much I think I got dehydrated. My arm got tired from being in the air most of the time. But that is why I love being up front, so I have lots of space to praise.

Saturday, we got some meat from Kay Arthur. She taught most of the book of Jeremiah and Eziekal. She also threw in the rest of the Bible.(ha, ha) She just spouts scripture. She can't help herself! Then the panel discussion was hilarious! And of course we ended with our siesta mama Beth. She gave an invitation to lay down burdens and repent that was so powerful. Cheryl and I both put some things down and left them at the alter.

I also can't tell you what a great time I had visiting with Cheryl. She blessed me in so many ways. I am so glad we got to spend some quality time together.

Also met a few siestas and saw Kim and my friend Sandy from New Orleans that I hadn't seen since last year at Deeper Still. We are family! Also met Tammy and Dori.

So much more I want to say but I got to go to bed for now. I will write more as I continue to process the experience of going Deeper Still. I know how tired I am right now, and I can't imagine how tired Beth, Prisilla, Kay, and Travis and the team must be. Hope they get some much deserved rest.

I love you all so much!

One last thing, thank you to my wonderful husband who held down the fort and took care of my baby Gumbo. You are the best!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Wedding Day

My thoughts today have been with Beth Moore and her family as her daughter Melissa was married. I love weddings! A precious youg lady in our church will be married in a couple of weeks. It hardly seems possible that this cute little girl I remember when we first came to Mount Vernon will soon be wed. My husband will be helping with the reception. I know he will make it beautiful.

Sometimes I wish I could be a bride again, and then I remember I will one day! We are the bride of Christ and one day our Groom will come for us!

None of my students got engaged on Valentines Day. This is a first. Every year I have at least one very excited young lady showing off her ring in class. Ah, the excitement of young love!

I will soon be visiting with one of the young ladies that did Beth Moore's Hope Encounter study with me. By the way, I would highly reccommend this study to anyone that has or is dealing with abuse issues. It changed both of our lives. I haven't seen her in a while and am looking forward to catching up.

I have been asked to be in my church's Easter Cantata. I will be part of the drama. I am playing a women dealing with bitterness associated with her father leaving her as a young girl. I will literally be bound in chains in one part and Jesus will break off links one by one as I am set free. I think most of you know that my parents were divorced when I was three and I rarely saw my father. But the Lord did set me free from the dysfunction caused by this event. I can't help but think of Beth Moore's study of Breaking Free as I prepare for this role. I was blessed to be able to facilitate this study. Now Beth is revisiting this study and it seems I am also revisiting the theme of this study as I play the role of Laura. Praise you Lord! Thank you for the chance to communicate the powerful healing message of Breaking Free once again!

Love to you all as we celebrate this season of love!
Kristi B.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

She's back!

Hello everyone!

It has been a while since I have communicated with you by blog. I have missed writing. I want to write more this year. (a New Year's Resolution)

Well here I am getting ready to stand by my husband's side as he has gastric bypass surgery next Monday. Our world is going to change drastically. It is exciting and a little scary. If you read this please keep us in your prayers as we embark on a new way of life. Food has always been the center of everything for us and this will cease to be so after the surgery. We go tomorrow to talk with the surgeon. I know the first few weeks will not be easy but we are in this together for the long haul. Who knows, if all goes well, maybe I will have the surgery next.

Just received my tickets and room confirmation for Living Proof Live with Beth Moore which will be in San Antonio, Texas in August. I am so excited! Can't wait to meet all my siestas! I am also praying that Mount Vernon will be able to host Beth Moore's simulcast from Kentucky, also in August. I hope to be facilitating Beth's new study "Stepping Up" this spring/summer. We have been waiting for this one haven't we Raleigh girls?

I have a great group of students this semester at Meredith. I love those girls! We have so much fun talking about hair and shoes! It is early, we haven't had any grades yet, but I think they like me almost as much as I like them. Of course this is the honeymoon period, we'll see how we feel after midterm.

Gotta go. Almost time for Wednesday night service. I haven't been to church in a while so I better make an appearance tonight. (Can't miss a lot when you are a pastor's wife without people noticing.)

Love ya!
Kristi B.